Thursday, April 24, 2008

What I would do if I had a month to live

If I had only a month to live I don't know what I would do. Since I am only thirteen it wouldn't be fair if I died. If I had a doctor tell me I was going to die in a month there is not telling what I would do. There is a bunch of songs and movies about what to do before you die. One song is "Live like you were dying" By Tim Mcgraw and the one movie is called The Bucket List.
If I was to die in one month I know exactly what I would do. I would go sky diving, I would climb a mountain, I would go deep sea fishing, I would go sky surfing, I would go ride a bull, basically I would just do anything that my body lets me. But the hardest part about dying is the stuff you will miss. Since I am only thirteen I will miss learning how to drive, going to prom, graduating from high school, playing football with all my friends I will just plain out miss everything that has ever been good to me. Anybody that has ever been there for me I will miss even my parents. Even though my parents yell at me and punish me is just because they love me and I finally realize that.
If I had a month to live I would go to Las Vegas, California, Colorado, and Paris, France. But the best place to go would be Hawaii because I could just sit on the beach and watch the ocean.
I would also go hunting in Colorado for elk and in Alaska for caribou and in many other places to go hunting. Well that's about it so ill talk to ya'll later PEACE!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

what brings joy to my life

What brings joy to my life is a good question. Even though, I have a lot of things that do. My life is what brings joy to me. I love to rest, to go to sleep, to play, to eat, to breathe, and to live. My life is awesome I have a bunch of friends, cool parents, and sometimes a fun school. But my life can also be boring. So I just live life how it goes and if I have problems I just deal with it.
Sometimes I bring joy to other people, but even though I make people mad sometimes! I know I bring joy to my friend's lives, because they are always happy around me. Sometimes they aren't though. I bring joy to my parent’s lives, because I was there first child and I’m the special child. I know I will always be there best child. Even though, I do make them mad sometimes.
Once I get older my type of joy may or may not change. One of my joys would be getting out of my house so my mom will get off my back about everything I do. Also I that in than two years I will be able to drive. If I had freedom it would bring tons of joy to my life, because I would be able to do more stuff. Like go to people’s parties and go more places. If I had a car I would basically live in it, because it would bring so much joy to my life. I could listen to music in it, roll down the windows when I want to, and just sit in there and watch the road. In closing all this brings joy to my life.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Three Things I Value The most

Three values

The first thing I value is my life. I value this the most because you can only have one. I try to do everything I can to keep healthy. I take care of my body, I workout everyday after school. I'm glad God brought me in to this life. I'm glad God brought me into this world because it wouldn't be the same without me. People say that their life would be different if I wasn't here. Even though some people say i'm annoying.

The second thing I value is my friends. I have lots of them. I value my friends because if I don't have anywhere to turn they are there for me. My three best friends are Heather Pippin, Leah Hallman, and Blake Fuller. Heather can be bossy, but we're still friends. When she asks me to do things for her I say no and she'll just argue with me until I get it but it's cool. Leah is just Leah and you can't change that. If I ever argue with her, she'll give you puppy dog eyes, and you know you can't say no to those eyes. My third best friend is Blake if I can't talk to anybody else about something he's there and the other way around.

The third thing I value is my family. My family means the world to me. If I didn't I don't know what I would do. Even though they can be a little nosy about some stuff. My brother can annoying and stupid, but he's my brother so I have to like him. My dad is cool, but if you make him mad he can be mean. He's the one who takes me hunting, and watches me play sports. My mom can be cool but sometimes she can be nosy and annoying but she's my mom so I love her.

If you got a problem with any of this tell me face to face, don't say it behind my back. Because then you cause a problem.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

About me

Hey my name is Ryan. I go to Flint River Academy. I play a lot of sports like football, basketball, and basketball. I'm running back in football, basketball I am a guard and baseball I don't know yet so you'll have to wait. My favorite class is English, your welcome Mrs. Chapman. Even though its not the easiest class I still like it. Its almost Christmas and I'm ready to get out of school. When Christmas is over I'll tell you everything I get. So let's talk about something else, SPORTS in football this year wasn't all that great, we went 4-3. But the good thing is I had 10 touchdowns!

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